How Can I Prevent Gum Disease?

Gum Disease Elmhurst, NY

Gum disease is not something that anyone wants to deal with, however, it is often inevitable. This oral condition operates in a few different stages, ranging from mild to severe. In order to avoid entering the severe stages, it is important to take preventive measures. There are a few different ways that general dentists recommend fighting off gum disease. Ready to learn more about them?

Preventing gum disease

Outlined below are a few ways to prevent gum disease from developing. These recommendations come straight from a general dentist and should be taken seriously when trying to maintain good oral hygiene.

Practice good oral hygiene

One of the most common and simple ways to prevent gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene on a daily basis. Oral hygiene is crucial when trying to prevent any oral condition from developing, however, it is especially vital in the prevention of gum disease. Oral hygiene consists of regularly brushing the teeth, flossing at least once a day and rinsing a few times a week. 

Brushing the teeth and gum lines with a soft-bristled toothbrush will keep any buildup to a minimum. General dentists recommend doing this twice a day or after every meal. Flossing at least once a day will keep food out of the spaces in between the teeth, which will ultimately avoid excess buildups that could lead to gum disease. Lastly, rinsing with mouthwash or saltwater a few times a week can help clear out hard-to-reach areas that may contribute to gum disease. 

Regularly visit the dentist

Visiting a general dentist on a regular basis will also help fight off gum disease. Dentists are able to detect warning signs that patients may not be able to notice. Additionally, they can take x-rays and perform cleanings that can help catch gum disease in its early stages.

General dentists recommend an exam at least twice a year or every 6 months for patients of all ages. Dental cleanings should also be done at least twice a year or every 6 months, however, they can be done more frequently if the patient desires or if the dentist recommends it. Sometimes, it is recommended to fight off oral conditions, such as gum disease or cavities. 

Avoid excessive sugar consumption

It is hard to avoid eating sugar. It is practically in everything, however, it is possible to avoid excessive amounts. Sugar contains ingredients that break down the teeth and cause infections along the gum lines. It is best to avoid any consumption of large amounts. If it is necessary, general dentists recommend brushing immediately after to help prevent a bacterial buildup, which could lead to gum disease. 

Reach out today!

When trying to prevent or fight against gum disease, it is good to consult with a general dentist. They are able to offer up additional recommendations that may be patient-specific. Reach out today to learn more or to get started with an appointment!

Request an appointment here: or call Always Smile Dental at (718) 450-9398 for an appointment in our Elmhurst office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Gum Disease in Elmhurst, NY.


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